Front page » Logistics » Cargo transportation - preparation of goods for the transportation process

Different types of cargo are transported from Ukraine – bulk, liquid, piece, dangerous, oversized. A subsidiary of the German concern Militzer & Muench Ukraine GmbH has been providing forwarding services for over 30 years. Safety requires compliance with the rules of cargo transportation, which begin with the preparation of the cargo.

  1. After loading, the strength of the knots, packing density, stability of the primary packaging are checked.
  2. The loaded or stowed load must maintain balance to avoid tipping over while the truck is making sudden maneuvers.
  3. The load is distributed evenly so that there is no overload on the driving axle of the truck. But the bulk of the load is placed closer to the front axle to avoid tipping the body and skidding during turns, strong crosswinds and other difficult situations on the road.

When transporting different types of cargo, each place is marked in accordance with the rules:

  • paper markings are attached to the boxes from the side;
  • bags – sewn into the upper part of the seam;
  • information is pasted onto the bales from the side of the butt;
  • in bales glued to the side surface;
  • on drums and barrels they are glued from the bottom side.

If it is intended to transport a homogeneous cargo, it is allowed to make markings on two or three boxes, which are located at the door with the end facing the exit.

Transportation in containers, tanks, vans requires not only special marking, but also sealing. On containers, two door hinges are connected, reinforced with wire twists on the territory of the consignor. For twisting, a special metal plate with two holes is used.

Among other types, lead seals with twisted wire or polyethylene seals without metal twists are used. A readable imprint is made on the protruding loop of wire. Paper and textile seals are used for parcels, the consignor’s seals are put on the tapes to prevent violation of the integrity of the container.

In order for the cargo to be ready for transportation, pallets are used, on which piece cargo of various purposes is placed. Recently, it has become popular to wrap cargo with polyethylene along with a pallet, which completely eliminates the movement of building materials, assemblies for other purposes during transportation. As a result, the cargo is delivered safe and sound, as stated in the accompanying documentation.